Budget benefits to boost local production, says Tourism Minister


The government will present an extensive programme aiming at making Sri Lanka a self-sufficient country based on local production instead of foreign dependency through this year’s Budget, Tourism Minister Prasanna Ranatunga said.

He said that one of the main aims of this government is developing this country and improving domestic production without depending on foreign aid.

“We will commence the programme to uplift the rural economy by improving food production at village level allowing villagers to fulfill their needs of food within the village. Then we will not face a food scarcity in the future. However, it will take some time to achieve results from these programmes. It would definitely be a sustainable solution for most of the upcoming problems,” he added.

“We will present the Budget giving priority for promoting local manufacturing this year. There will be no food shortage in the country as alleged by the Opposition. The Agriculture Ministry has engaged in a systematic plan to prevent any future food shortage,” he also said.

The Minister was addressing a gathering in Minuwangoda.