Statement of Secretary General of Parliament with regard to the Study Visit of Women Parliamentarians’ Caucus to New Zealand


Secretary General of Parliament Mrs. Kushani Rohanadeera, says that no government funds were used for the study visit of Women Parliamentarians’ Caucus to New Zealand. The Secretary General also pointed out that this study visit was organized with the support of development partners without using government funds for about two and a half years.

Mrs. Rohanadeera further mentioned that Women Parliamentarians’ Caucus, plays a major role in addressing the socio-economic and political issues of women in the country, and it will be helpful to gain experience from the developed countries of the Commonwealth in order to perform those tasks more efficiently.

The Secretary General pointed out that although the members of the Women Parliamentarians’ Caucus represent different political parties, they stand up for the common goals of the caucus and work together under the leadership of its Chairperson, Member of Parliament Hon. Dr. Sudarshini Fernandopulle.