CIPM Sri Lanka – the Nation’s leader in human resource management through its pool of experienced and qualified professionals rolled out a high-profile initiative to develop a Master HR Plan for the Ministry of Transport to sustainably achieve its long-term goals and objectives including the vision to make Sri Lanka the country with the premier People-Centered Transport System in the Region. The initiative was launched recently with a briefing session held at the Ministry premises which was followed by the main workshop at the CIPM Auditorium, and another workshop conducted by CIPM on the third day at the National Transport Commission Auditorium in Park Road. Senior officials of the Ministry and Departments under the purview of the Ministry including the Chairpersons or heads of these institutions, Chief Executive Officer, Director General, General Manager, and Head of HR & Administration participated in the sessions. The departments and institutions under the Ministry include the Department of Railways, Department of Motor Traffic, Sri Lanka Transport Board, National Transport Commission, National Council for Road Safety, National Transport Medical Institute, and Lakdiva Engineering (Pvt) Ltd. Secretary of the Ministry of Transport Monty Ranathunga contributed his thoughts on the critical importance of the Master HR Plan initiative. The participants including the Secretary exchanged their views with the facilitators while participating interactively at the sessions.
“In order to pursue and achieve the targets of the Transport Sector specified in the National policy framework ‘Saubghagyaye Dekma’, our efforts to achieve a people-centric, environmentally friendly and sustainable transport system which caters to the needs of the people requires a well-strategized human resource master plan to ensure that we have the right skills in the right numbers at the right time. To support us in this important endeavor of developing the Master HR plan for the Ministry and the organizations under its purview, we invited the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM) – a notable leader in the sphere of human resource management in Sri Lanka” said Monty Ranathunga –Secretary, Ministry of Transport.
“We are delighted to share the expertise in human resource management and business acumen of our experienced resource persons to support the Ministry of Transport to develop the Master HR Plan, an essential tool for any organization. We are confident that this initiative will no doubt help fulfill the strategic objectives of the Ministry” said Jayantha Amarasinghe-President, CIPM Sri Lanka.
The Master HR Planning initiatives were facilitated and conducted by Lead Consultant Sarath Kumara (CCIPM), Professional Certified Coach, Senior Certified Team Transformation Coach, HR and Management Consultant, and former Vice President of HR at Camso-Loadstar (Pvt) Ltd., and Janaka Kumarasinghe (FCIPM), Director/CEO of Kentridge (Pvt) Ltd and Past President of CIPM.