Since early October of 2020, Sri Lanka has been battling a second, more virulent phase of the coronavirus outbreak. As of now the country has recorded over 57,000 patients and more than 330 deaths. The alarming statistics probed A-PAD SL to convene a discussion with the Disaster Preparedness and Response Division (DPRD) of the Ministry of Health (MoH) in identifying the current requirements of the health sector. In response, it was understood that increasing the number of COVID-19 Intermediate Care Centers (ICC) with enhanced facilities was a key area which required improvement.
In addition to this, A-PAD also understood the hesitation shown by certain patients in being admitted to treatment facilities. Therefore, providing support by way of enhancing the facilities of the ICCs seemed a sound strategy, especially as this would build confidence among potential patients in admitting their symptoms, agreeing to be quarantined. Further, enhanced capacity would be highly beneficial to differently abled persons, elders, women and children who are most vulnerable in these circumstances.
HSBC is an exemplary representative of the corporate sector who has on numerous occasions risen beyond expectations during crisis times. The conglomerate has been complementing Government led initiatives throughout the COVID-19 outbreak. Therefore, at the request of A-PAD of the possibility of improving the living conditions of the care centers, the idea was immediately accepted.
As such, through effective Public Private Partnerships (PPP) created, a series of non-medical equipment such as, pedestal fans, washing machines, electric kettles, water purifiers, linen and towels, wellness packs and customized hygiene packs for men and women, were handed over to the Ministry of Health, for further distribution among Intermediate Care Centers.
The items were officially handed over at A-PAD Office by Mr. Mark Prothero, CEO, HSBC Sri Lanka and the Maldives to Maj. Gen. Dr. S.H. Munasinghe, Secretary, Ministry of Health in the presence of Dr. Asela Gunawardena, Director General, Health Services, Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe, Director General, DMC, Dr. Hemantha Herath, Deputy Director General, Health Services, Dr. Novil Wijesekara, Disaster Preparedness and Response Division (DPRD), Ministry of Health, Ms. Dilini Fernando, CSR Manager, HSBC Sri Lanka and Mr. Firzan Hashim, Country Director, A-PAD Sri Lanka.