Without Test cricket the sport will die- Ben stokes

Picture courtesy: Sky Sports

By: Samantha Hewabandula reporting from England for thesundayreader.lk

The England test captain Ben Stokes was in attendance at Lord’s for last week’s victory over Sri Lanka despite his injury and it has been reported that there where just 9000 fans who came to watch the test on its 4th day.  

Ben stokes aired his thoughts and has called on the ticket prices to be made much cheaper as a ploy tro get crowds in to watch Test Cricket and requested those in side the sport to stop saying that “Test cricket is dying “.

Stokes , who has missed both matches and will sit out the third and final encounter that begins on Friday believes that the empty seats last Sunday did not indicate a lack of interest in the five day game by the cricketing fraternity in England but as he seas it, it needs to be looked into in more depth and arrange things around the longer format to change.

“I don’t think that is a reflection of Test cricket around the world or Test cricket here “ Stokes said.” I think it is just a pretty easy thing to have been able to do on that forth day, Just make it cheaper for people to come and watch and crowds would have come in.” Price of a ticket to watch cricket was was seen as a stumbling block by the England Skipper.

“Without Test cricket , I think cricket will die”. Stokes said.