The India Cup Golf Tournament 2024 organized by the Indo-Lanka Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ILCCI) in collaboration with the Indian High Commission in Colombo, saw Roshini Sangani walk away with the Winner’s Trophy following a day of friendly rivalry amongst the golfing elite.
The tournament was held at the Royal Colombo Golf Club on the 26th of January and was viewed mainly as a social event rather than a competitive one. It was a resounding success with a record of 104 players – both male and female – taking part. Beyond the golf course, the event served as a platform for interaction and networking between the Indian and Sri Lankan business communities.
Other wins during the day included, Men’s Winner – M.I Hidaramani, Nearest to the Pin Hole – Manoj Algama, Longest Drive Men’s Hole No 8 and 15– Harsha Abeywickrema and Gamini Jayaweera respectively, and Longest Drive Ladies – Alenka Jelnikar.
The event extended to a glittering awards ceremony and a dinner function hosted by the High Commissioner of India to Sri Lanka His Excellency Santosh Jha at the “India House.”, who said the India Cup Golf Tournament is a highly anticipated event annual event, offering an opportunity to network and connect apart from the usual formalities’
President of the ILCCI Mr. M. Raghuraman said, “The India Cup Golf Tournament is not just about golf; it’s about building bridges and fostering relationships, carrying on the tradition of the ILCCI hosting this event annually since 2006”.