Korean Envoy together with UNICEF launches ‘END Violence for children’ campaign in Sri Lanka


Korean Ambassador, H.E. Santhush Woonjin JEONG met with Mr. Christian Skoog, Representative of UNICEF in Sri Lanka who visited the Korean Embassy on 12th July, 2022.  The discussion was based on pertinent topics such as supporting the rights and wellbeing of children and raising awareness on violence against children.

Ambassador Santhush commended the joint action of Korean Foreign Ministry and UNICEF Headquarters to successfully launch the ‘END Violence for children’ global SNS campaign (#ENDviolence) throughout the world, from July this year to help protect children from all forms of violence including armed conflicts and natural disasters.

The Korean Envoy stated that UNICEF in Sri Lanka has continuously worked together with the Korean government and its agencies to carry out meaningful work to empower children in Sri Lanka. Also, the Korean government through KOICA activities has strengthened UNICEF’s COVID-19 response and social protection in Sri Lanka.

Mr. Christian Skoog, Representative of UNICEF in Sri Lanka appreciated the efforts of the Korean government to improve the wellbeing of children and raise awareness on ending all forms of violence against children in Sri Lanka. Particularly UNICEF is committed to encourage all governments to outlaw corporal punishment in schools and homes.

The end violence for children campaign is a timely initiative. While enacting laws to ban violence against children does not require a lot of time, the efforts to change the mindset of the society and social behaviour takes a long time. This campaign is an agent of change that will bring about the necessary awareness and education in parents and teachers to learn positive, non-violent ways to communicate with and discipline their young children. UNICEF remains committed to supporting such initiatives that that will drive positive change among people.

Mr. Skoog further appreciated the efforts of the Korean people in Sri Lanka who recently handed over a consignment of printing papers for Sri Lankan children. Following such a generous example, UNICEF together with KOICA has decided to handover papers and stationeries to the students of the Northern Province in Sri Lanka. This will enable Sri Lankan students to continue their studies despite the difficult situation in the country.

Korean Envoy and Representative of UNICEF resolved to work together in cooperation for the betterment of Korea and Sri Lanka.

Ms. Takaho Fukami, Chief of Education and OIC deputy representative, Dr. Hemamal Jayawardena, Child protection specialist and Embassy secretary Ms. Soyeon Lim also participated in the meeting.