CSE and GRI to host Leadership Forum using GRI Standards


Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) in collaboration with Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) is hosting an exclusive session on ‘Why organizations worldwide and in Sri Lanka are adopting sustainability reporting using GRI Standards and how it benefits them’. This is an online session on April 9, 2021 (Friday), 10 – 11 hours.

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an independent international standard-setting organization that helps businesses and governments worldwide understand and communicate their impact on critical sustainability issues such as climate change, human rights, governance and social well-being.

The practice of disclosing sustainability information inspires accountability, helps identify and manage risks, and enables organizations to seize new opportunities. Reporting with the GRI Standards supports companies, public and private, large and small, to protect the environment and improve society, while at the same time thriving economically by improving governance and stakeholder relations, enhancing reputations and building trust.

The GRI Standards help companies disclose relevant ESG information that support decisions in the best interest of investors and society at large.

2020 KPMG Survey of Sustainability Reporting shows a record number of companies, spanning sectors and geographic regions, are voluntarily choosing to disclose their sustainability impacts – with the GRI Standards the most widely used for reporting.

Across all companies surveyed, the GRI Standards is the only sustainability reporting framework that can demonstrate widespread global adoption. Around three-quarters (73%) of the G250 and two-thirds (67%) of the N100 now use GRI. As per a research done by GRI South Asia, 29% of the public listed companies (83 companies) are currently reporting using the GRI standards in Sri Lanka.

GRI’s publication Carrots & Sticks (C&S 2020) provides an analysis of the latest trends in reporting provisions. It reveals 614 reporting requirements and resources across over 80 countries, including Sri Lanka. In 2019 CSE published the ESG guidance document titled Communicating Sustainability Version 02.

As sustainability reporting becomes more widespread, regulators, investors as well as stock exchanges and industry bodies have started to encourage and even demand sustainability data from companies

This is free of charge and the registration link can be obtained by sending an email to [email protected].

Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE):                                                                                 

The Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) operates the only stock market in Sri Lanka and is responsible for providing a transparent and regulated environment where companies and investors can come together. The CSE is a company that is limited by guarantee established under the Laws of Sri Lanka.

The CSE is licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka (SEC) and is a mutual exchange consisting of 15 Members and 15 Trading Members. All Members and Trading Members are licensed by the SEC to operate as Stockbrokers. For more information, please visit: www.cse.lk.